This document provides some documentation about the API endpoints of Occupancy FLEP API.



GET /api/courses Returns a list of all courses in the database.

  • Parameters: None
  • Returns: A list of all courses in the database.

GET /api/courses/<code>

Returns detailed information about a specific course as well as its schedules and room bookings.

  • Parameters:
    • code: The course code (e.g., CS-305).
  • Returns: A JSON object containing detailed information about the course, its schedules, and its room bookings.

Study Plans

GET /api/studyplans

Returns a list of all study plans in the database.

  • Parameters: None
  • Returns: A list of all study plans in the database.

GET /api/studyplans/<id>

Returns detailed information about a specific study plan.

  • Parameters:
    • id: The study plan ID
  • Returns: A JSON object containing detailed information about the study plan, its courses and schedules.


GET /api/rooms

Returns a list of all rooms in the database.

  • Parameters: None
  • Returns: A list of all rooms in the database.

GET /api/rooms/<name>

Returns detailed information about a specific room as well as its bookings.

  • Parameters:
    • name: The room name (e.g., CO1).
  • Returns: A JSON object containing detailed information about the room and its bookings.

POST /api/rooms/find_free_rooms

Returns a list of available rooms based on the specified date and time ranges.

  • Parameters:
    • selection: An array of objects containing the start and end datetimes of the desired time slots. The format is as follows:
      • start: The start datetime of the time slot (e.g., 2021-10-01T08:00)
      • end: The end datetime of the time slot (e.g., 2021-10-01T10:00)
  • Returns: A list of available rooms based on the specified date and time ranges.

POST /api/rooms/find_soonest_bookings

Return a list of rooms with the soonest (or current) booking for each room, after the specified datetime.

  • Parameters:
    • after_date: The datetime after which the bookings should be returned (e.g., 2021-10-01T08:00)
  • Returns: A list of rooms with the soonest booking for each room, after the specified datetime.

Error Handling

The API returns the following error codes:

  • 400: Bad request
  • 404: Not found

When an error occurs, the API returns a JSON object with the following format:

  "message": "Bad request"